Corpo de juízes do CH7 pede demissão em conjunto | CH7 judges resigns supporting suspended colleagues
Via @muaysiamnews
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Após a polêmica luta entre Phetbangsaen Sor Jor Lekmuangnont contra Sinsamut Sitnayokmot último domingo dia 26, o diretor técnico de arbitragem do CH7, Yongsak Na Songkhla, entregou na quinta-feira sua carta de demissão.
Em luta que se alternou por 5 rounds, Singsamut foi declarado vencedor por decisão dividida (2:1). O problema é que segundo os apostadores, Petbangsaen estaria vencendo a luta por larga vantagem e como represália, os juízes Somkit Yaleumyak e Surat Soikrachang foram suspensos pelo presidente de muaythai do CH7, Somyot Arumat.
O diretor sugeriu assistir em video (clique aqui) para quem discorda e não estiver satisfeito com a decisão pudesse analisar como Petbangsaen teria vencido a luta. Segundo ele, as apostas e odds estão vindo antes dos golpes. Os juízes são experientes e trabalham no estádio há décadas.
Em apoio aos colegas suspensos, outros 3 juízes também pediram afastamento, além do diretor Yongsak:
1. Yongsak Na Songkhla
2. Somkid Yaluemyak
3. Surat Sotirakwan
4. Chedi Garuda
5. Thanawat Wongsa
6. Rushkorn Darapan
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After the controversial fight between Phetbangsaen Sor Jor Lekmuangnont against Sinsamut Sitnayokmot last Sunday (26), muaythai technical director of CH7, Yongsak Na Songkhla, delivered his resignation letter on Thursday (30).
In a fight that went up and down for 5 rounds, Singsamut won by split decision (2:1), but according to gamblers, Petbangsaen should have win by large margin. As reprisal, judges Somkit Yaleumyak and Surat Soikrachang were suspended by CH7’s muaythai president Somyot Arumat.
Mr. Yongsat suggested, for anyone who disagrees and is not satisfied with the decision, a meeting to watch a video and explain how could Petbangsaen had won the fight. According to him, bets and odds are coming before the strikes. The suspended Judges are experienced and have been working for decades at CH7 stadium.
In support of the suspended colleagues, another 3 judges also resigned joining the director Mr Yongsak.
1. Yongsak Na Songkhla
2. Somkid Yaluemyak
3. Surat Sotirakwan
4. Chedi Garuda
5. Thanawat Wongsa
6. Rushkorn Darapan
Highlight of the fight that messed with CH7 judging comitee. Phetbangsaen Sor Jor Lekmuangnont vs Sinsamut Sitnayokmot, full story here https://yoksutai.com/sLXHL
Posted by Yoksutai on Saturday, December 2, 2017